Philip du Heaume Professional Corporation
Legal and Business Solutions
Today more than ever, a company's ability to thrive depends on its ability to navigate legal, regulatory and strategic risks before they manifest. Integrating your business with a legal advisor in the role of part-time, contract general counsel gives you a strategic risk mitigation and contract management resource that's involved in more than just the legal solution: they're part of your business team.
For most small and mid-sized organizations, the ability to hire in-house legal counsel isn't an economic reality. An Independent General Counsel engagement can be tailored to fit your unique needs in scope and financial commitment. By managing relationships with external law firms, general counsel can foster efficient resolution to complex legal issues and help you make legally informed, objective-based business decisions before external counsel has been engaged.
Phil du Heaume Professional Corporation currently provides part-time general counsel services to the following organizations. If you would like to learn more about retaining contract general counsel services:
Current General Counsel Engagements

Independent General Counsel services can help you integrate strategic legal advice at an operational level, economically giving your business a competitive advantage that is usually only available to big corporate organizations.